Loans are subject to approval.

Unsecured: 9.50% OAC

Auto: 6.00% OAC

Recreational vehicles/trailers: 8.00% OAC

Loan Calculator


Annual Meeting Notice

We will hold our annual meeting on Thursday, March 27th 2025.  The meeting will begin at noon in Granite’s Conference Room (1000 N Warm Springs Rd., SLC UT 84116)     Information regarding the elections can be found in your 4th quarter newsletter that will be mailed in January.


If you have had no activity in your account over the past year, your account is considered “DORMANT” and is subject to a $10 per month fee.  It could also be transferred to the State as Unclaimed Property.
To remove the “Dormant” status from your account you need to make a deposit, withdrawal, or notify us by phone or email that you want your account to stay current. Give us a call today.   801-322-4010 or email us at

G&R Credit Union is a common bond group of Granite Construction employees to promote mutual financial success


Our Credit Union was organized in 1962 by the employees of Gibbons & Reed (purchased by Granite Construction in 1995) for the purpose of banding together to help each other prosper financially.

The Credit Union was not established to compete with local banks and other financial institutions, but as an alternative avenue, whereby the members not only own the organization, they can have a say in how it is managed through the annual elections of member-officers.

Loans are made to our members (fellow employees) using the savings deposited by the members.  The interest paid on loans is utilized to cover the expenses incurred by the Credit Union, maintaining capital reserves, and the remainder returned to the members in the form of dividends.  The only other income to the Credit Union is from the interest earned on short-term investments of excess cash deposited by the members. The goals of the Credit Union are quite simple and highlighted below.


Provide a limited range of savings and loan services on a personal and friendly basis


Return excess earnings to the members in the form of higher dividends on their savings and/or lower interest rates on the loans offered

Your Satisfaction

Generate earnings to maintain sufficient reserves and protect the member’s shares (savings)


Due to Staffing shortages we could have limit hours or close early on some days so please call in advance to make sure we are in.

Monday – Friday                   8:30am-4:30pm MST

Closed on these Upcoming Holidays:

January 1st (New Years Day)
January 20th (MLK Day)
February 17th (President’s Day)
May 26th (Memorial Day)
June 19th (Juneteenth)


Phone: 801-322-4010 / Fax: 801-322-5419

Address: 1000 N Warm Springs Rd., SLC UT 84116

(801) 322-4010

(801) 322-5419

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Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government. National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency


ROUTING #     324078682